Endgame: The Rabbit Hole Doesn’t End Here

Daniel Taylor | Old-Thinker News | October 26, 2007

Upon hearing the announcement from Alex Jones that he was embarking on a new filmmaking adventure - and later finding out what the film would cover - I decided to conduct my own research into the various subjects that Endgame would discuss. Rather than get the information for the first time from the film, I wanted to see what I could dig up on my own prior to viewing it. The information I found - which is openly available to anyone willing to look - is incredibly sobering, but not all hope is lost. If we live our lives in fear of what the future may bring, we allow ourselves to be defeated. We still have the power to raise awareness among our fellow man, and despite what the elite may believe, they do not have a monopoly on the future.

You may have heard Alex say that Endgame only covers a small percentage of the information out there. After watching his excellent film, I can tell you from my own investigation that this is absolutely true. I point this out not because I am criticizing the film, but to drive home the true gravity of our situation.
